Greatrex Charity

Providing bursaries for studies and related costs to studies at Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences and funding for Surgical research for the advancement of medical science.

Greatrex Grants

Developing the teaching skills of surgical educators

Having a well-trained and skilled surgical workforce is crucial to improving care for patients, but those skills have to be taught. Excellent surgical educators play a key role in teaching, coaching, mentoring and inspiring the next generation of trainee surgeons.

The Greatrex Charity are funding the development of Training the Trainers (TTT) at the Royal College of Surgeons of England to develop surgeons as clinical trainers. Although there are differences in approach, personality and technique among trainers, common themes exist for those who truly shine as great examples.

Teaching methods need to be underpinned by the theoretical foundations of adult learning and surgical education. Learning models and theory can move quickly and the pandemic has escalated this in the way that people are choosing to learn and deliver training. This course will improve the approach to planning, developing, delivering and evaluating surgical training for those who attend.

The surgical teams of the future will be shaped by their training experience and by creating great educators we will enable the development and delivery of high quality surgical learning and education across the UK.


Latest news from Greatrex Charity

Peter Dawson (left) attending an event at the Newcastle university and met two of the students that the charity has provided a grant to.

About Us

The object of the cio is:
to advance education and training in medical sciences and other surgical practices for the public benefit through:

  1. the provision of bursaries for studies and related costs to persons studying at the Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences, the royal college of surgeons of England and such establishments as the Trustees should see fit.
  2. the provision of funding for costs for students undertaking medical or surgical research for the advancement of medical science, the useful results which will be published.

Geoffrey Greatrex

Geoffrey Greatrex came from a middle class but impecunious family. In order to live within his meagre means as a medical student at Newcastle, he spent a whole term living in a tent in a farmer's field until a colleague, at the onset of Winter, invited him to share his flat. Thus Geoffrey Greatrex became keen to ensure that future generations of Newcastle's University faculty of medical sciences’ medical students might benefit from his legacy and advance their education and training in medical sciences and other surgical practices. The Geoffrey Greatrex Charity has created a bursary for studies and related costs to studies at the university. So, if any medical student is struggling to buy scientific books, medical instruments or need help with related costs in the undertaking of medical or surgical research for the advancement of medical science then funding could be requested.

As he was an esteemed member of the Royal College of Surgeons, he did his best to help junior staff to ascend the surgical ladder and get into their chosen speciality. His legacy is to help those who struggle financially to better themselves especially when they go into the field of medical research and the development of new techniques for investigation of medical conditions and equipment for treatments.

Funding for surgical research for the advancement of medical science could be requested from the charity. Geoffrey Greatrex was particularly keen in the areas of vascular, thoracic, thyroid, head and neck surgery. These areas would considered in a favourable way.

It is recommended that those applying for help from the Greatrex charity should first get the approval of their consultant or Dean of the faculty before sending in their application.


John Greatrex

Apply for a Grant

If you think you are eligible and would like to apply for a grant or bursary, then please complete the appropriate form below. Alternatively you can download an Application Form (PDF) to complete offline.

Newcastle University Faculty
of Medical Sciences

Greatrex Bursary Application

Alternatively, ou can download an Application Form (PDF) to complete offline.

Successful applicants will be required to provide evidence of how grant has helped before the final grant payment is made.

Institute of

Greatrex Research Funding Application

Alternatively, ou can download an Application Form (PDF) to complete offline.

Successful applicants will be required to provide evidence of how the grant has helped their research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for funding?

You must be a member of the Royal College of Surgeons or attending the Medical faculty of Newcastle University We do not accept any unsolicited applications. Please see University website for further details.

What does the funding cover?

Opportunity Scholarships via the Newcastle University or medical research grants via the Royal Collage of Surgeons

Do I need to demonstrate how the funding was used/ has made a difference?

Yes please discuss with the University for more detail.

When do I need to apply?

All applications will need to be submitted before October of the academical year.

Is there a limit to the size of the grant/ bursary?

There is an annual maximum grant scholarship per student, further details can be provided by the University. The grant size for the college of surgeons is on application.

How long do before I know if my application was successful?

Please discuss with the University, but usually by early November.

Can't find the information you are looking for? Email us at and we'll d our best to answer your query.

Contact Details

If you have any questions about the Greatrex Charity, the application process or about an exisitng application then please use the email address below.

Charity No. 1185761

© Greatrex Charity

Photo by Ryan Booth on Unsplash